Artificial Intelligence in Indonesia: The current state and its opportunities

Most of the breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) development are happening elsewhere, but Indonesia is not lagging behind. With a young, tech-savvy population and favorable macroeconomic trends, Indonesian companies are beginning to adopt and advance on AI's vast opportunities. Local and international investors are also eyeing AI's potential for Southeast Asia's largest economy.

SoLeLands, an immersive game-based learning platform, raised funding led by East Ventures

SoLeLands, an immersive game-based learning platform to support kids’ self-discovery, today announced that the company had raised funding led by East Ventures, with the participation of SMDV. The funding will be allocated for capacity building and product development in preparation for the soft launching in the Q4 of 2023.

Closing the digital divide: Four strategies to tackle digital access inequality

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) adoption in Indonesia has been going rapidly, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic in the past few years. However, despite this accelerated progress, the distribution of technology adoption remains unequal, presenting various challenges for specific regions within the country. As a result, there are still numerous hurdles faced by certain areas in Indonesia due to the uneven distribution of ICT.

The inaugural Climate Impact Innovations Challenge 2023 presents 12 finalists with game-changing solutions to drive sustainability in Indonesia and beyond

East Ventures and Temasek Foundation announced the 12 finalists of the Climate Impact Innovations Challenge (CIIC), the largest climate tech innovations platform of the year in Indonesia. The 12 finalists of the challenge consist of teams from each track of CIIC, including Renewable Energy, Food & Agriculture, Mobility, and Ocean.

Investing in people, the secret in building a media company that lasts forever

Establishing a company that prioritizes investing in people has become a crucial decision in addressing challenges in the modern era. Amidst technological advancements and intense business competition, a company that fosters strong relationships with its human resources and nurtures their potential possesses a significant competitive advantage.

Why scaling up tech innovations will save the planet

It has become increasingly clear that we must use technology sustainably and deploy it more effectively. According to the East Ventures Sustainability Report 2023, to meet the investment needs of green solutions in Southeast Asia, which amount to around US$3 trillion by 2030, there is a need for tech innovations as catalysts.

East Ventures launches its annual Sustainability Report 2023

East Ventures, a pioneering and leading sector-agnostic venture capital firm in Indonesia, today launched East Ventures Sustainability Report 2023. This report demonstrates East Ventures and its ecosystem’s continued commitment to integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks and practices in creating sustainable value for society.