Indonesian Health System Transformation
On 25 October 2022, East Ventures moderated a Fireside Chat with the Indonesian Minister of Health, Budi G. Sadikin at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore. The session was attended by Singaporean health sector private players, Indonesian businesses, and the Indonesian diaspora in Singapore.
Minister Budi Sadikin’s philosophy is that in every crisis, there is a danger component and an opportunity component; and that it is important to choose which angle to see it from.
Therefore, Indonesia’s current healthcare crisis presents an opportunity for reform, translated into six major areas:
- Primary care: Routine immunization and screening
- Secondary care: Optimizing the national hospital distribution
- Health systems resilience: Form reserve health personnel and increase capability for emergency countermeasures
- Healthcare financing: Allocate investments in the healthcare sector
- Healthcare human resources: Implement a scholarship roadmap and open up academic training across the country
- Healthcare technology: Data collection and integration into the Biomedical & Genome Science Initiative (BGSi) with support from East Ventures
Alongside the major reforms, the ministry is revitalizing the structure and network of primary health services and public health laboratories so that every transformation can be delivered to all Indonesians. This includes standardizing services in posyandus, enforcing digitalization standards, and adding preventive care.
East Ventures fully supports the initiatives by the Ministry of Health in advancing Indonesia’s healthcare system and will continue to invest in healthtech startups. Our healthtech portfolio companies include Nalagenetics, Nusantics, Bicarakan.id, Diri Care, FitHappy, Homage, Intellect, KLAR Smile, Medico, Riliv, and Smarter Health.
The full session of Fireside Chat with Budi G. Sadikin, is available on-demand on East Ventures’ YouTube channel. Click to watch the video below.