Information and Communication Technology
The foundation in establishing a digital environment that caters and supports Indonesia to strengthen its digital economy.
Advancing the digital economy
The ICT sector has been one of the main propellers of Indonesia’s economic recovery, being among the fastest-growing sectors in terms of real GRDP, and it is predicted to grow.

The need to invest in ICT
Due to the high digital adoption, the ICT sector has grown to serve the demand. Based on the EV-DCI 2022 survey, almost 80% of Indonesian startups and corporations have put investments in ICT as high priority.
Related Portfolio
Warung Pintar
Warung Pintar is a micro retail technology company that enables digitalization for the grassroots population to improve the community’s livelihood and promote digital literacy for warung owners.

“Among the “Making Indonesia 4.0” implementation agenda items related to digital are building a national digital infrastructure, establishing an innovation ecosystem, and implementing technology investment incentives. We also issued regulations regarding assessing the company’s level of readiness to transform towards industry 4.0.”
Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita
Minister of Industry