News – Insights
How beauty is changing in 2023
Behind its allure and aesthetic appeal, the beauty industry has proven to be recession-proof in the face of various macroeconomic shocks over the past two decades. The "Lipstick Effect" or "Lipstick Index"– an economic indicator from the beauty category, suggests that during periods of recession or economic hardship, women will indulge in discretionary purchases, splurging on small, affordable luxuries, such as lipstick, that boosts their mood without putting a strain on their finances. Hence, despite a shifting backdrop, our beauty sector outlook remains bullish and we expect it to continue as a bright spot in 2023.
Closing the gap: Investing in women can drive economic growth
Gender equality is not just a moral issue; but also a key driver of economic growth and development. Investing in women entrepreneurs and addressing the deepening inequalities they face can create a more stable, resilient, and inclusive society that benefits everyone.
The four tracks of Climate Impact Innovations Challenge
What will the world be like for our children if we fail to limit global warming to below 2°C, preferably to 1.5°C? In the best-case scenario where the globe warms only by 1.5°C, a 10-year-old child in 2020 will experience four fold as many extreme climate events throughout the course of their life compared to a 55-year-old.
Genomics technology: A path to a healthier Indonesia
Genomics sequencing in Indonesia’s healthcare sector has greatly improved since the COVID-19 pandemic, although it is still in the early stage in this country.
How private and public sectors can collaborate to advance the Indonesian healthcare system
East Ventures has recently launched the White paper: “Genomics: Leapfrogging into the Indonesian healthcare future”, a collaborative report with Indonesia’s Health Ministry and a global consulting company, Redseer, on 16 February 2022, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Why Indonesia should embrace genomics now
Two of the most critical pain points of Indonesia's healthcare system is the high mortality rates for non-communicable diseases, and high cost of treatment. The solution to this is developing genomics. Genomics technology will allow for early detection and targeted treatment, paving the way ahead to transform our healthcare system.
The future is green: unlocking Indonesia’s renewable energy potential
Indonesia is rich in natural resources, including coal, which has been the traditional commodity used for energy generation. This blessing also makes transitioning to renewable energy more difficult than countries without such resources. However, the global energy sector has shifted to green energy, and now is the time to unlock Indonesia's renewable energy potential.
East Ventures was listed in the Top Global & Asian investors in Q4 2022
East Ventures was again listed as one of the top ten global venture capital companies in Q4 2022, created by the global market intelligence platform CB Insights. Previously, East Ventures made the Q3 2022 list as the only SEA-based VC among both global and Asia regions.