
News – Insights

Southeast Asia: The bright spot for VC investing amidst global uncertainties?

“Southeast Asia: The Bright Spot For VC Investing Amidst Global Uncertainties?” was a panel that featured Thomas G. Tsao of Gobi Partners, Roderick Purwana of East Ventures and Angela Toy of Golden Gate Ventures, moderated by James Kwan, Founder & Executive Chairman, Jumpstart Media at the ORIGIN: Asia Tech Conference.

Investing in healthtech to tackle Indonesia’s greatest challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed critical gaps in Indonesia’s healthcare infrastructure, revealing structural and systemic shortcomings that will require scalable solutions. Change doesn't happen overnight, particularly for the healthcare sector, which consists of multiple intertwined industries with strict regulatory oversight. But precisely because the industry is highly regulated, regulations play a huge role in shaping trends.

A startup’s guide to implementing ESG

‘The furnaces of the world are burning about 2,000,000,000 tons of coal a year. When this is burned, uniting with oxygen, it adds about 7,000,000,000 tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere yearly. This tends to make the air a more effective blanket for the earth and to raise its temperature. The effect may be considerable in a few centuries.’ This is a newspaper excerpt from 1912, which warns about the consequences of unchecked growth. Global concern about the survival of future generations and the planet continued to mount until 1987, when the United Nations defined sustainability – "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

“Finding the G in ESG”: What is good governance according to investors

ntegrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into business practices is crucial. However, the "G" or Governance aspect, often overlooked, is equally vital. To understand why good governance is essential, startups and companies must first prioritize it. Aghnia Dima, an ESG Specialist at East Ventures, shared her insights as an investor with Jessica Novia, Chief of Impact from CarbonEthics, in a discussion moderated by Atika Benedikta, Investment Director at ANGIN, at the Ninja Demo Day, part of Ninja Accelerator Program 2023.

4 April 2024|Categories: Insights|Tags: , , , , , |

From principles to practice: Shariah investing in Southeast Asia

While Southeast Asia houses a massive Muslim population, many of them struggle to find investment options that align with their faith. Sharia investment, which adheres to Islamic principles, is emerging as a powerful solution.

“What it takes to become great”: Willson Cuaca and Najwa Shihab’s secret sauce to achieving success

Prior to being East Ventures’ Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Willson Cuaca embarked on a career in cybersecurity as an iPhone developer in Singapore. On the other hand, Najwa Shihab, now an accomplished journalist and the Founder of media startup NARASI, started her journey from the ground up at a local TV station.

Join Indonesia’s largest climate tech pitching competition: The Climate Impact Innovations Challenge 2024

One Saturday in October 2023, thick smog blanketed the runways of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta, Indonesia, forcing several inbound flights to be diverted to other airports. The heavy smog was from a massive landfill fire that started the day before and would take days to extinguish after burning through almost the entire landfill. Just weeks earlier, firefighters battled a persistent wildfire that ravaged savanna fields and forests in Mount Bromo for over a week.