How to measure your company’s GHG emissions with ECOVISEA

While renewable energy continues to gain traction, fossil fuels remain the primary energy source for many businesses and industries. These ‘polluter’ industries, like manufacturing and transportation, are contributing to tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, harming the planet and its climate yearly.

15 February 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |

East Ventures and Kadin Indonesia launched ECOVISEA, a free web-based greenhouse gasses calculator

East Ventures and The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia), today launched ECOVISEA, which stands for Emission Calculator & Visualization Southeast Asia. Collaborating with WRI Indonesia as a knowledge partner, ECOVISEA acts as a free web-based global greenhouse gas (GHG) calculator that helps companies calculate and measure their environmental impact.

Tracking progress: How companies can reduce their carbon footprint

The 2015 Paris Agreement marked a paradigm shift surrounding climate change – a transition from individual to corporate responsibility. Before this accord, “carbon footprint generally referred to personal emissions. Now, however, corporations are held accountable for their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.