East Ventures has again mapped out Indonesia’s digital competitiveness through the East Ventures – Digital Competitiveness Index 2024

East Ventures, a pioneering and leading sector-agnostic venture capital firm in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, together with Katadata Insight Center, today launched the East Ventures – Digital Competitiveness Index (EV-DCI) 2024. This marks the fifth edition since it was first launched in 2020. The EV-DCI 2024 research report maps Indonesia's digital competitiveness with the theme "Realizing Indonesia's digital sovereignty".

Mapping competitiveness, the key to embracing Indonesia’s digital economic excellence

Over the past few years, Indonesia's digital sector has been steadily growing. Despite ongoing infrastructure development efforts by the government, stakeholders have also been proactive in promoting digital literacy and the economy. These endeavors lay the groundwork for advancing Indonesia's digital sector.

Promising prospect in achieving equitable access to Indonesia’s healthcare

Even though the digital sector is experiencing waves of 'up and down' amid global challenges such as rising interest rates and difficulties in finding funding, Indonesia's digitalization is still developing rapidly and has the potential to reach a digital golden era.

The importance of encouraging digitalization for an equitable digital nation

Even though the digital sector is experiencing waves of 'up and down' amid global challenges such as rising interest rates and difficulties in finding funding, Indonesia's digitalization is still developing rapidly and has the potential to reach a digital golden era.

Improving digital competitiveness: Key to Indonesia’s sustainability

Indonesia has a large population of over 280 million and a rapidly growing middle class. However, it faces numerous challenges in sustaining its economic growth and improving the living standards of its people. One crucial area where Indonesia needs to improve is its digital competitiveness.