
News – Insights

A closer look at how East Ventures is driving ESG impact in Southeast Asia

At this year’s Tech in Asia Conference, our annual Startup Arena Pitch Battle returned offline, with four judges and scores of audience members watching six startups battle it out for the top spot. This edition, sponsored by East Ventures, focused on startups addressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

1 December 2022|Categories: Insights|Tags: , , , , , , |

David vs Goliath: How Indonesian SaaS startups can win

Over the past decade, software-as-a-service (SaaS) has emerged as a successful model for software delivery globally. Both businesses and consumers have been demanding more software tools, and the question has always been – “how to sell and deliver what the customers want at scale?” The hallmark of SaaS - a centrally hosted, web-delivered, multi-tenant architecture (i.e. built once, sold many times) fit into the growing digitalization theme and was the core engine of tech adoption in the US and many developed economies.

Early-stage startups can implement ESG principles, here’s how

This year, sustainable business became a buzzword as more investors and stakeholders asked companies to be more aware of their businesses and implement ESG principles. A common assumption is that sustainability is only suitable for growth-stage companies and large corporations. Moreover, sustainability is often more closely associated with green actions, environmentally friendly products, and other things.

Indonesian Health System Transformation

On 25 October 2022, East Ventures moderated a Fireside Chat with the Indonesian Minister of Health, Budi G. Sadikin at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore. The session was attended by Singaporean health sector private players, Indonesian businesses, and the Indonesian diaspora in Singapore.

Climate tech investment is a top priority in achieving net zero emissions

Achieving net zero emission globally by 2050 is critical to tackle the climate crisis and help to save our planet for the next generation. Global temperatures have risen 1.1°C since 1901, due to an excess of emissions from burning fossil fuels. Negative effects of climate change are mounting, such as extreme weather patterns and rising sea levels, all of which threaten the entire species of plants, animals, and even the human population.

Investment keeps pace, East Ventures looks deeper into startup fundamentals

The global supply chain crisis from the Russo-Ukrainian war and the tightening policies by the Chinese government have resulted in many central banks worldwide raising their benchmark interest rates, and the capital market is more gloomy than it was in the middle of last year.

24 October 2022|Categories: Insights|Tags: , , , , , |