
News – Insights

Leveling the playing field and democratizing the web through Web 3.0 investment

Web 3.0 has emerged as the idea of a new kind of internet service built using decentralized blockchains — the shared ledger systems used by cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Proponents believe that Web 3.0 will create new economies, products, and services that will return democracy to the web instead of the current monopolies over who controls information and makes money.

Riding the prospect of the rising creator economy

Although many giant global social platforms have been in Indonesia for several years, there is still room to grow for local players in seizing opportunities in Indonesia’s creative industry. The industry is fuelled by a growing young population, which accounts for 53.81% of the population.

How founders should navigate winter situation in sunny Indonesia

The technology sector faces global economic challenges due to the geopolitical situation and fears of an impending recession in the United States (US). This period and the media boom have pulled some digital startups down on corporate valuation and business operations and have implications for layoffs and fundraising struggles.

How tech startups navigate the business in the global uncertainty

Lately, the promising future offered by the tech industry has been clouded by several issues, ranging from declining valuations to massive employee cuts. Global uncertainty is heightened by several downside risks, such as rising inflation, US interest rate hikes, energy and food price volatility, and the geopolitical threats from the Russia - Ukraine war.

Investing in women: The recent outlook and ways to empower women in tech

17 August 2022 marks an important date for Indonesia, as we celebrate the 77th independence day of Indonesia. Independence day is highly tied to the celebration of freedom; and as we Recover Faster, Grow Stronger, we believe this freedom should also be translated into aspects of our lives, including the freedom of being able to express ourselves and being given the same opportunities regardless of traits that one have, which includes gender.

From Southeast Asia to the world: new consumer trend

“From Southeast Asia to the World: New Consumer Trend” is the topic of one of the panel discussions in the East Ventures Summit 2022, where the LPs, partners, founders, and team members of the East Ventures Ecosystem participated in a series of insightful sessions.

D2C startups build stronger and stickier customer base through data optimization

True to all of our investments at the early stage, East Ventures’ thesis behind our D2C (Direct-to-Customer) bets are its founders. In each of their D2C segments, our founders are passionate about building brands that are customer-focused, innovative and personal.

4 August 2022|Categories: Insights|Tags: , , , , , |