East Ventures Bidik Banyak Perusahaan untuk Didanai Tahun Ini
East Ventures pernah memberikan pendanaan ke perusahaan lain seperti seperti Tokopedia, Traveloka, Warung Pintar, Cicil, Montir, Nodeflux, dan Sociolla.
East Ventures: Kenaikan Suku Bunga Tak Pengaruhi Bisnis Pendanaan Startup
Menurut Managing Partner East Ventures, Willson Cuaca, bisnis pendanaan startup di Indonesia akan terus berjalan meski suku bunga melemah.
Lewat para mitra, Warung Pintar ingin mendorong perusahaan untuk mengoptimalkan dana CSR agar tepat sasaran, berdampak, terukur, dan berkelanjutan.
China Tech Giants Bet on Untangling Logistics of Indonesian E-Commerce
According to Willson Cuaca, while in urban areas delivery times have improved, other parts of Indonesia's e-commerce supply chain are still inefficient.
Modal Ventura Terus Beri Pendanaan ke Bisnis Startup Indonesia
East Ventures sendiri merupakan perusahaan modal ventura yang selalu membuka peluang untuk perusahaan yang ingin berkolaborasi.
East Ventures, Yahoo! Japan Capital, and SMDV Launch EV Growth
Due to the shared vision and mission between those three venture capitals, they decided to build a growth fund called EV Growth.
Warung Pintar Aims to Enable Digitization to Indonesia Grassroot Population
Warung Pintar aims to enable digitalization for the grassroots to improve the community. The idea came naturally when the team observes local’s behavior.
Nearly US$500 Million Investment by Expedia, East Ventures Highlight Confidence in Traveloka
Traveloka is the clear online travel company leader in Indonesia, and is expanding aggressively throughout Southeast Asia.