Available in English and Indonesian

Sustainability Report 2022

This report lines out the robust progress and a range of initiatives among the firm and its ecosystem in engaging the ESG frameworks in achieving a more sustainable future.

Sustainable Investment Strategy

To support our commitment, we have developed a Sustainable Investment Strategy that sits within a two-pronged approach of East Ventures, Doing Good and Avoiding Harm.

Doing Good

Providing and enabling our investments to grow in the sustainable market propositions to optimize the impact on beneficiaries

Avoiding Harm

Anticipating and mitigating the risks or any potential adverse social and environmental effects on the portfolios’ businesses practices

Impact Statement

The foundation of East Ventures’ sustainable investment strategy is our impact statement:

We enable high
potential companies…


…to grow sustainable
market propositions,…


…thereby empowering a
more inclusive society…


…and the region’s
economy to prosper.

Connectivity is the
foundation of the
Southeast Asian
digital economy to
deliver long-lasting
prosperity for our
people and our planet

A Look into Our Portfolio

East Ventures and its ecosystem has contributed toward 16 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with some portfolio highlights

Aruna ????????

Making the sea a better livelihood for all

Stockbit ????????

Increasing financial access and literacy through connectivity

Homage ????????

Enabling wellness and recovery through holistic personal care

Waste4Change ????????

Shifting the waste management ecosystem towards ethical and responsible solutions

A Note from Leadership

Willson Cuaca

Founding Partner

In achieving a more sustainable future, it is a joint effort from all parties. It is important to ensure the same understanding and implementation in achieving the same goal, therefore we always ensure the same values are shared throughout our ecosystem.

Roderick Purwana

Managing Partner

We implement a responsible investment approach within the processes, standards, and tools utilized in the investment cycle. There are five investment phases that we design: screening, due diligence, investment decision, post-investment, and exit.

Avina Sugiarto

Venture Partner

East Ventures launched this Sustainability report, to show our commitments to make a better integration and measurement of responsible investment that aligns with the global standards of ESG principles. It will be a benchmark for us and other stakeholders in measuring how big and deep our actions are.

Indonesia Pasti Bisa (IDPB)
Mobilized all the strengths of East Ventures’ digital ecosystem to support Indonesia in combatting the COVID-19 outbreak

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East Ventures – Digital Competitiveness Index (EV-DCI)
Nurturing a robust and equal digital ecosystem of Indonesia with EV-DCI

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Women With Impact
Providing mentorship with perspectives and real experiences to empower all women entrepreneurs

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Robust Progress in Creating Sustainable and Inclusive Future

East Ventures is committed towards empowering change both within its workplace and communities.

Principles of Responsible Investment Signatory

We are the first Indonesian venture capital firm to become an official PRI signatory, the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment supported by the United Nations. This encourages the application of six principles for responsible investment into our investment process and daily practices.

Mobilized all the strengths of East Ventures’ digital ecosystem to support Indonesia in combatting the COVID-19 outbreak

East Ventures – Digital Competitiveness Index (EV-DCI)
Nurturing a robust and equal digital ecosystem of Indonesia with EV-DCI

Women With Impact
Providing mentorship with perspectives and real experiences to empower all women entrepreneurs

Indonesia Pasti Bisa (IDPB)
Mobilized all the strengths of East Ventures’ digital ecosystem to support Indonesia in combatting the COVID-19 outbreak

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East Ventures – Digital Competitiveness Index (EV-DCI)
Nurturing a robust and equal digital ecosystem of Indonesia with EV-DCI

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Women With Impact
Providing mentorship with perspectives and real experiences to empower all women entrepreneurs

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Download East Ventures – Sustainability Report 2022