Bridging the gap to drive growth through digital distribution

First is the infrastructure issue. Although infrastructure is now progressing in a positive trajectory, some blind spots remain unaddressed. The second issue is productive utilization of technology. Social media usage is already quite good, but the conversion level from usage into economic transactions is not yet sufficient.

Semakin banyak perusahaan Indonesia yang memasang panel tenaga surya atap

Semakin banyak perusahaan Indonesia yang menyimpan energi matahari untuk bergerak menuju keberlanjutan. Salah satunya diterapkan oleh pabrik pakaian Pan Brothers. Pada Januari lalu, tiga pabrik milik Pan Brothers di Boyolali, Jawa Tengah, mulai mengoperasikan panel surya atap yang dapat menghasilkan 1.800 kilowatt peak (kWp), nilai energi yang dihasilkan pada saat kinerja tertinggi, yang biasanya terjadi pada hari cerah di siang hari.

3 Maret 2022|Tags: , |

East Ventures presents its first women-centered forum, Women with Impact Forum

East Ventures, a pioneering and leading sector-agnostic venture capital firm in Indonesia, today presented its first women-centered forum, named Women with Impact Forum. The forum provided the participants with three main sessions featuring several top key panelists from East Ventures and tech startup leaders. They shared their views and experiences towards women-related issues.

How leaders deliver the passion of workers, even in the time of crisis: the leadership tips from CEOs of CoHive and Base

As a leader in the company, you probably want all employees to have the same frequency and passion as yours to achieve the same goal. However, it might be a challenge as the company gets bigger and faces a crisis. Yaumi Fauziah Sugiharta, Co-Founder and CEO of Base, and Christopher Angkasa, CEO of CoHive, share their experiences.

Why quality growth is vital for startup success

GGV Capital’s global managing partner Jixun Foo and vice president Dimitra Taslim recently joined an online Q&A session with a group of founders from East Ventures portfolio companies. Willson Cuaca, co-founder and managing partner of East Ventures, hosted the discussion covering various startup growth and fundraising topics.

11 Februari 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |